About Blat

Blat is a WordPress MU (MU stands for Multi User) site for South African bloggers. Blat is totally free of charge and anyone is welcome to use Blat, as long as they abide by a few simple rules.

Blat may NOT be used for any of the following: -

  1. To create blogs for the purpose of affiliate marketing or to promote affiliate marketing.
  2. To create blogs as part of a search engine optimisation strategy.
  3. To create blogs that display pornography, or anything else considered to be “adult” in nature.
  4. To create blogs that promote racism or hate speech.
  5. To create blogs that illegally distribute copyright material.
  6. To create blogs that are nothing more than a collection of links.
  7. To create blogs that attempt to install or distribute malicious software of any kind.
  8. To create multiple blogs that are nothing more than a copy of each other.


All bloggers love receiving comments on their blog posts. If you don’t receive any comments on your blog posts, try posting comments on other people’s blog posts. They will, in all likelihood, return the favour - But don’t post rubbish comments!

Post insightful comments that show that you have read the blog post. This adds to the original blog post and usually leads to some-or-other discussion.

If you don’t take the time to comment on other people’s blog posts, don’t complain when nobody comments on your blog posts.


Blat is free of change, but that doesn’t mean that there are no bills to pay. At various places around the Blat site, you will find (hopefull) unobtrusive advertising. It is these advertisers who sponsor Blat, and thus make it possible for YOU to receive a free service.

Please take the time to show some appreciation and thanks to those who sponsor Blat.

Search Engines & Blog Aggregators

Blat automatically submits ALL public blog posts to Amatomu, Afrigator and Technorati. There is nothing you need do to tie your blog into these services, apart from creating a blog on Blat.

Blat is also comprehensively indexed by Google and Bing, using a mechanism called sitemap.xml. By creating a blog on Blat, your blog will automatically (Only if your blog is public) be added to Blat’s sitemap, and will regularly be indexed by these search engines.

Blat Toolbar

At the very top of every blog page on the Blat site, you should find a little toolbar. Yes, it’s quite tiny but this is done purposefully, so as not to interfere too much with the page content. The Blat toolbar provides quick and easy access to various parts of the Blat site, and also provides quick and easy access to various functionality. For example, you can search the entire Blat site by clicking Search on the Blat toolbar.

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